Nisitha and Ed's Wedding
Kauri Bay Boomrock, Clevedon
It’s pretty perfect that Adam is a wedding photographer because I will never ever get sick of attending them as his second photographer. Nisitha is stunning inside and out and I dare say pretty much did Adam’s job for him she was such a natural in front of the camera! Cue Ed the handsome groom who works with children and plays the ukulele… you get the picture, and it was perfect. The joy that spreads through the room when a couple so in love ties the knot is truly infectious and their ceremony certainly reflected that.
Kauri Bay Boomrock is an idyllic spot to host a wedding and Adam was literally a pig in mud taking the bridal party up the hill to capture their gorgeousness and the amazing view. This was all made possible by the kind weather gods who held off the rain long enough for us to torture the poor group by dodging hidden cow pats and not so hidden puddles in order to just casually and dreamily wander along.
I wished I had been able to stay to the end but it might have been too hard to resist the fun being had on the dance floor!
Thank you so much for having us Nisitha and Ed, we had a blast! Julz xo